New English Program 100% online.

We are happy to announce our new “English Goals” program!! It’s 100% online, there is no visa needed and same quality and amazing interaction as students have from studying on campus in San Diego!

American teachers;
Group work: speak every day and learn from students from different countries;
Levels: our goal is to offer beginner and intermediate levels;
First start date: Monday, June 26th;
Price: $295 per four-week unit, $25 application fee;
Discount: Sign a three-month enrollment agreement, get an additional week of classes. Payments can still be in four-week units;
Earn a Certificate of English at the end of your course.

English Goals Schedules:
10:30am to 12:00pm Monday to Thursday


3:00pm to 4:30pm Monday to Thursday

Both schedules will have access to the supplemental classes on Zoom.

This program is perfect for students outside the USA, who want to learn with Connect English.

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